Residents'awareness and factors related to the approval of community water fluoridation program in Geochang-up, Geochang-gun, Korea

수돗물불소농도조정사업에 대한 거창군 거창읍 주민의 인식과 사업시행 찬성여부에 미치는 요인

Kwon, Su-Jin;Lee, Sun-Mi;Kang, Seog-Jae;Kim, Jin-Bom

  • Published : 20061200


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to obtain the information to increase residents’support to the implementation of community water fluoridation program. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to the parents by way of schoolchildren. Responses were collected from 1,819 residents at Geochang-up, Geochang-gun in 2002. The contents of the questionnaires were related to the kinds of water for drinking and cooking, recognition of caries preventive effect, safety of the program and approval for the implementation of fluoridation program. Collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 10.0 program. Results: Respondents using the public tap water for drinking and cooking were 53.7% and 80.8%, respectively. Respondents recognizing the caries preventive effect and safety of the water fluoridation program was 59.4% and 50.4%, respectively. Respondents approving and opposing for the implementation of fluoridation program were 49.5% and 19.7%, respectively. The approval rate for the implementation of fluoridation program among respondents recognizing the caries preventive effect of the program was 8.3 times compared to respondents misunderstanding the caries preventive effect of the program. The approval rate for the implementation of fluoridation program among respondents acknowledging the safety of the program was 20.0 times compared to respondents misunderstanding the safety of the program. Conclusions: The approval rate of fluoridation program has proven to be significantly associated with the residents’recognition of the caries preventive effect and acknowledgement of the safety of program. In order to secure residents’support for the fluoridation program, it is necessary to educate to the residents the caries preventive effect and the safety of the program.



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