Karyotype Analysis of Three Korean Native Iris Species

Park , Young-Wook;Kim , Dong-Min;Hwang , Yoon-Jung;Lim , Ki-Byung;Kim, Hyun-Hee

  • Published : 20060000


Karyotypes were investigated in three Korean native species of the genus Iris. The chromosome complements were all diploid of 2n = 28. Each species showed different karyotypic formula such as 2n = 16m + 12sm including three pairs of satellite chromosomes of which a pair with terminal- and two pairs with interstitial satellites in I. odaesanensis, 2n = 14m + 10sm + 4st with two pairs of terminal satellite chromosomes in I. laevigata, and 2n = 8m + 14sm + 6st which contained a pair of terminal satellite chromosomes in I. sanguinea for. albiflora. The chromosome length showed gradual decreasing in the range of 3-6 ㎛ in two species of I. odaesanensis and I. laevigata, and 5-10 ㎛ in I. sanguinea for. albiflora. This is the first karyotypic report in these species in Korea and the results seemed to provide enough genetic evidence to identify each species and useful data to clarify the interspecific relationships among Korean native Iris species.



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