Development of a Purchase Motivation Scale Based on Self-Determination Theory

자기결정성 이론에 근거한 구매동기 척도개발

  • Lim Kee-Ok (College of Human Life sciences, Sung Kyun Kwan University) ;
  • Yoo Hyun-Jung (Dept. of Housing, Interior Design & Consumer Studies, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Nam Su-Jung (Research Institution for Human Life Sciences, In Ha University)
  • 김기옥 (성균관대학교 생활과학부) ;
  • 유현정 (충북대학교 주거환경, 소비자학과) ;
  • 남수정 (인하대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • Published : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized scale to measure consumers' motivation to purchase based on a self-determination theory. A preliminary 27-item scale was developed through literature review, diary analysis, and FGI. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,000consumers on internet using the preliminary scale. Then a series of tests, such as test-retest, item analysis, item-to-total correlation, Cronbach's reliability coefficient, and factor analysis, were conducted using the survey data. The final scale with21 items was constructed in the end. The Purchase Motivation Scale for Consumers consisted of five factors: (1) external motivation, (2) introjected motivation, (3) identified motivation I: self-respect, (4) identified motivation II: pursuit of harmony, and (5) internal motivation.



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