A Study on Relationship between Health Services Quality and Customer's Satisfaction in Oriental Medicine Hospitals

한방 의료 서비스 품질이 환자 만족 및 재이용 의도에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2006.06.30


Purpose : This study was conducted to understand Oriental medical health services and analyze the relationships between the perceived Oriental medical health services and the effect, influencing patient satisfaction as. well as intentions of re-visiting such hospitals. Methods : SPSS 10.0, a statistical processing method, was used to process the study data and frequency and ANOVA analysis were used to analyze the differences. Also, Pearson correlation coefficient was performed to analyze the relationships between work satisfaction and health services quality, as well as patient satisfaction and intentions to re-visit such hospitals. Results : Most patients were satisfied with the service, but it was shown that improvement of facilities and medical equipment was needed. The survey showed higher satisfaction with longer experience of doctors and nurses. Staff recognition of health services quality seemed lower than patient satisfaction, so efforts to improve the health services and relationships between health services quality and patient satisfaction are necessary. Conclusion : Higher quality and satisfaction with Oriental medical health services are going to improve total re-use intention to a significant degree.
