Analysis of the Awareness of the Value and the Consumption Pattern on Milk of Elementary Middle and High School Students

서울 지역 초.중.고등학생들의 우유 가치구조 인식 및 섭취 행태 분석

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun (Department of Home Economics Education Pail Chai Univ.)
  • 김정현 (배재대학교 가정교육과)
  • Published : 2007.01.30


This study was performed to investigate the awareness of the value on milk and the consumption pattern on milk of elementary, middle and high school students. The subjects were 453 students(129 elementary, 129 middle, and 195 high school students) living in the Seoul area. The results were as follows. The students of this study demonstrated low levels of awareness of the value of milk. They had an awareness of the value of milk about 'convenience', 'healthful', 'safety', 'diversity', and 'useful for snack'. Most students reported drinking milk two to three times a week and 13.2% of students preferred flavored milk rather than plain milk. General preference for milk was significantly higher in elementary school students than in high school students(p<0.001). The degree of satisfaction on milk was significantly higher in elementary school students than in middle and high school students(p<0.001). The respondents answered that their source of information about milk was the mass media. Their source of information from school was very low. In order to increase the consumption of plain milk, milk nutritional education is necessary in schools.



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