The role of consumption experience in structural relationship among emotion, satisfaction, and repurchase intention

스포츠센터 고객의 소비경험에 따른 감정, 만족, 재구매의도의 구조관계분석

Kim, Ki-Tak

  • Published : 20070700


This study investigates how consumption experience moderates relationship among emotion, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. Customer of private sport centers in Seoul completed this survey containing positive emotion, negative emotion, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and demographic variables. The statistical techniques for data analysis were descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling by SPSS Ver. 15.0 and LISREL 8.7 programs. The results of this study were that the influence of positive emotion on satisfaction is stronger for participants with short-term consumption experience than for those with long-term consumption experience, whereas the influence of negative emotion on satisfaction is only significant with long-term consumption experience participants. The direct impact of emotion on repurchase intention, however, the consumption experience level did not moderate.



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