Eating Behavior, Physical Activities and Obesity degree of Adolescents in a region of Jeonbuk province

전라북도 일부 지역의 청소년 식습관, 신체활동, 비만도

  • Park, Shim-Hoon (Department of Beauty Cosmetology, Vision College of Jeon ju) ;
  • Kim, Hyeon-Ok (College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Park, Kwang-Suk (Baeksuk Elementary School)
  • Published : 2007.12.01


Purpose: This study is to investigated the eating behavior, physical activities and obesity degree of the adolescents. Methods: The subjects of research were 1,092 third year students in middle school and high school randomly chosen of N city area and L gun area in Chonbuk province. The data was collected by an anonymous questionnaire. A survey tool developed in Ministry of Health and Welfare(2005) was used to investigate eating behavior, physical activities and obesity degree of subjects. The data was analyzed with the SPSSWIN 15.0 Programs. Results: 37.2% of adolescents only had positive eating behavior. 43.4% of adolescents did regular physical exercise, 10.8% did moderate physical exercise, and 43.3% did active physical exercise. 76.6% of adolescents did muscular strength exercise. So, the majority of adolescents were doing physical exercise. The percentage of adolescents who had normal weight range was 90.6%. The percentage of over weight range was 5.2%, which was higher than the percentage of under weight range, 4.2% Conclusion: This study is a descriptive research for investigating the eating bahavior, physical activities and obesity degree of adolescents. The results provided the baseline data for improving eating behavior, and improving physical activities and relieving obesity degree in adolescence. Therefore an effective national policy must study and develope a program to establish the positive eating behavior, and to promote the physical activities, and to prevent the adolescents' obesity.



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