The prevalence of halitosis and it's related factors among some dental hygiene students

일부 치위생과 학생들의 구취발생 및 관련요인 분석

Lee, Ga-Ryoung

  • Published : 2007.06.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between halitosis and oral hygiene environment and self reported oral health status among some students in dental hygienist course. Methods: All 111 students selected using convenience sampling were surveyed cross-sectionally via oral examinations and self-administrated questionnaire during March, 2007. Halitosis and amount of saliva (stimulated/non-stimulated) and tongue coatings were measured by oral examinations, and oral health status was obtained by the questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analysis were applied to assess the associations between halitosis and oral hygiene environment and self reported oral conditions. Results: The prevalence of halitosis was 39.6%. The amount of stimulated and non-stimulated salivary showed significantly lower for the subjects developed the halitosis than for the others (p=0.018, p=0.001). Moreover, The index of tongue coatings gave a higher value for the subjects developed the halitosis compared with the others (p<0.001). The multiple logistic regression analysis suggested that the simulated saliva (OR=0.826, p=0.022) and tongue coatings (OR=1.467, p=0.001) were significantly associated with halitosis. Conclusion: The oral hygiene environment such as hyposalivation and tongue coatings appeared to increase the risk of halitosis.



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