Antimicrobial resistance of commensal bacteria isolated from food-producing animals I. Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. isolated from cattle faecal samples

가축 유래 지표 세균에 대한 항생제 내성 양상 조사 I. 소 분변에서 분리한 대장균 및 장구균의 항생제 내성 양상 조사

Lim, Suk-Kyung;Lee, Hee-Soo;Byun, Jung-Ryul;Park, Shin-Yung;Jung, Suk-Chan

  • Published : 20070300


The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial resistance in indicator bacteria isolated &omhealthy cattle in all provinces of the Republic of Korea. A total of 238 Escherichia coU and 72Enterococcus spp. isolated from 252 fecal samples were examined for resistances to 16 and 12antimicrobial agents, respectively. The most frequently observed resistance m E. coU isolates was totetracycline (40.8%), followed by resistance to streptomycin (23.5%), and ampicillin (11.3%). E. faeciumand E. faecaUs showed resistance to tetracycline (45.7%, 62.2%), erythromycin (28.6%, 24.3%). Of theisolates, 28.5 % of E. coti and 40.2% Enterococcus spp. strains showed resistances against more than twoof antimicrobial agents tested, respectively. This study displays the prevalence of antimicrobial resistancesin commensal enteric bacteria isolated from healthy cattle in K-orea. It also indicates that antimicrobialresistance in food producing animals could be reduced with lower usage of antibiotics.



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