The casual relationship among brand personality, brand attitude, product involvement, and brand loyalty of official sponsor in professional football team

프로축구구단 공식용품후원업체의 브랜드개성, 브랜드태도, 용품관여도, 브랜드애호도 인과관계 분석

Cho, Song-Hyeon;Seo, Bong-Han

  • Published : 20070100


The purpose of this study was to examine the casual relationship among brand personality, brand attitude, involvement, and brand loyalty of official sponsor in professional football team. Participants were 258 students who were participating at university club, using cluster random sampling method. An order to test the hypotheses, structure equation modeling through Amos ver 5.0 program was used. Conclusions of this study were as follows: First, brand personality had positive influence on brand attitude. Second brand personality had positive influence on product involvement. Third, brand personality had positive influence on brand loyalty. Forth, brand attitude had positive influence on product involvement. Fifth, brand atittude had positive influence on brand loyalty. Sixth, product involvement didn't have influence on brand loyalty.



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