A photo elicitation study on the experiences of leisure activity participation of the elderly

노인여가활동 경험에 관한 사진유도연구

Kwon, Mun-Bae

  • Published : 20070100


The purpose of this study is to introduce a new research method which is called photo elicitation study. Specifically, this exploratory study used Photo Elicitation Interview (PEI) to investigate experiences on the leisure activity participation of the elderly. Furthermore, this study tried to show the direction for the development of future qualitative research method using photo elicitation interview which is one of the visual research. The results were categorized into two parts such as 1) understanding Photo Elicitation Interview by comparing traditional In-depth Interview 2) understanding the experiences on the leisure activity participation of the elderly provided by the retirement facility. the investigator tried to compare Photo Elicitation Interview and In-depth Interview. Using photographs during interviews aided in building and capturing intense emotion, and rich experiences. As mentioned above, this study gave full understanding of elderly's leisure activity experiences using a new methodology which is called Photo Elicitation Interview.



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