GIS-based Soil Erosion Analysis of Highland Upland

GIS 기반 고랭지밭의 토사유실 영향 분석

Lee, Geun-Sang

  • Published : 20070900


The analysis for Soyang-gang basin on the basis of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and land cover map show highland farming areas cover 48.95, which corresponds to approximately 60% of total farming areas. Main sources of turbid water in the Soyang-gang basin turne out to be Mande-, Jaun-, and Johang stream, being highland farming areas. A soil erosion model experiment, with 48 hour-duration rainfall and cover management factor for highland farming area, shows soil erosion increases by 18.1% of the entire basin and 74.4% for highland farming areas. Soil erosion in the Soyang-gang basin is more probable in highland farming areas, and good care need to be taken for highland farming areas.



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