The experience of participating in dance sports and the quality of life

댄스스포츠 참여 경험과 삶의 질

Kim, Eun-Mee;Kwon, Wook-Dong

  • Published : 20070300


This research analyzed the data with procedures such as development and application for the record of interview details and symbolization by subjects, categorization and connection of data, etc by performing in-depth interview and field recording as a qualitative research method on what effects the experience of participating in dance sports can have on participant's quality of life.The motive for participating in dance sports showed as being influenced by agents of three main significant others in the order of friends and family, school and mass media while the change of recognizing dance sports as a form of exercise and not the dance. In terms of conflict, the participants of research suffered from conflict right after participating in dance sports and there were conflicts on learning movements and toward comparing with other students. In terms of change in attitude followed by continued participation, while female participants get to care much about their own appearance and clothing, male participants cared a lot about not making their partner uncomfortable. For effects followed participation, the health effects, sense of confidence and confirmation of identity presented while vitality in life and promotion of family life cycle were shown for the change of life. The participants of dance sports were satisfied with their leisure time while the distinction of dance sports presented as attractiveness called sympathy with partners, cheerful movement by music and new leisure activity compared other conventional leisure activities. In terms of continued participation, majority of participants showed as wanting to participate in dance sports continuously.



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