Sensitivity of Recent and Future Regional Climate Simulations to Two Convection Schemes in the RegCM3 Nesting System

Im, Eun-Soon;Kim, Moon-Hyun;Kwon, Won-Tae;Bae, Deg-Hyo

  • Published : 20071100


This study investigates the sensitivity of convective parameterization schemes (CPS) in a regional climate change and projection of a future climate (2051-2080) are discussed, with a focus on the comparison betwen both simulations implementing two different CPS, namely, the Grell scheme (Grell) and the MIT-Emanuel scheme (EMU). Based on the recent climate simulations, the EMU simulation shows a considerable improvement compared to the Grell simulation, indicating a reduction of cold and dry biases in the summer season. In general, the convective precipitation derived by for activating convection. However, the signal of future change derived by the diference between the recent and future climate simulations tends to be insensitive to the characteristics of the baseline climate condition due to the subtraction of the systematic eror in the underlying model. Both projections (Grell vs. EMU) agree in the direction of climate change, giving us more confidence in the projected temperature and precipitation changes. The temperature change shows a well-recognized feature of a warming signal with a maximum in statistical significance at the 5% con-fidence level in all seasons. For precipitation changes, the statistical significance is restricted to the cold season. The enhancement of winter precipitation is significant, increasing by aproximately 50% during 2051-2080.



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