Utilization of dental service and oral hygiene behavior in Korean disabled adults

전국 시설이용 재가 장애인의 구강진료기관이용과 구강건강관리 행태

Jeon, Hyun-Sun;Kim, Young-Nam;Choi, Youn-Hee;Chung, Won-Gyun;Kim, Baek-Il;Lee, Keung-Ho;Kwon, Ho-Keun

  • Published : 2007.03.30


Objectives: The study was intended to investigate oral hygiene behavior and utilization of dental service by the type of handicap for nationwide disabled people. Methods: A total of 612 disabled adults(18-64 years) who were attending special schools or social welfare facilities were interviewed. Results: The experiences of visiting dental office during the last one year in 18~64 year-old disabled people were about 50.0~53.8% in the disability group. By the use of toothbrush, around 68% to 90% of total subjects were able to use a toothbrush on their own. By the number of toothbrushing, about 2.26 time of total subjects brushed their teeth at least three times a day. Conclusion: We should find out the obstacles against the dental service and oral hygiene maintenance by the types of handicap, and develop the oral health policies which could support and advocate the Korean disabled.



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