Effects on leisure satisfaction of leisure activity type from difference perception for body image in women university students

여대생의 신체이미지 차이지각에 따른 여가활동유형이 여가만족에 미치는 영향

Choi, Yoon-Hee;Lee, Chul-Won;Han, Woo-Jin

  • Published : 20070500


The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of differences of women's university students' body image and to examine how the types of leisure activity effect on leisure satisfaction. In this study, questionnaire sheet was used as a measuring tool and participants were asked to answer through self-administrated method. Target participants for this selected from women's university students located in Seoul, and 577 sheets were used for the actual analysis. Data of this study were analyzed by SPSS version 13.0 of Window compatible software. In all variables, small group of perception of differences of effect on the leisure activity type indicated a casual relationship in social-recreational activity, there are casual relationships in watching-appreciating activity except relaxation satisfaction, sports activity indicated a casual relations with physical and environmental satisfaction. Big group of perception of difference of body image indicated social-recreational activity in all variables, sports activity indicated a casual relations in physical, relaxation and psychological satisfaction, watching-appreciating activity indicated a casual relations in physical, environmental and psychological satisfaction.



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