Longitudinal kinematical analysis of double salto bwd. piked in parallel bars

평행봉 Double salto bwd. piked 내리기동작의 향상도 평가

Back, Jin-Ho

  • Published : 2007.05.31


This study is to formulate strategy for subject who are selected as national athletic in parallel bars event in gymnastics where the subject is possible to win a medal in 2006 Doha Asian games. Thus, following are the results to enhance the performance through technical analysis to raise the standard in the degree of hardshi. TAs a 1st analysis for Double salto bwd. piked which is the degree of technique hardshi, not only the elevation of flight was not high enough, but also, there was demerit point when the subject took backward step after landing. The cause of this fact is that the subject was probably only concerning somersault either than height in airborne. To overcome this weak point in Double salto bwd. piked, the subject repeated work on Tap swing by extension-flexion of hip joint in swing motion. As a result, when the subject is separated from the bar it increased the C.O.G by opening angular of shiulder joint in minus(-) and folding lesser angular of hip-joint. It is very effective providing feedback from repeated analysis to make the perfection of the technique. Therefore, using this result in national team's training would provide positive guidance.



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