Effects of swiss ball-elastic band exercise for 1 year on body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density and correlations of psychosocial factors in middle-aged women

볼-밴드 복합운동이 중년여성의 신체구성과 체력, 골밀도에 미치는 효과 및 정신사회적 요인과의 상관관계

Jang, Jae-Hoon;Hur, Sun;Hong, Kwan-Yi

  • Published : 2007.09.29


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of exercise program on body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density and correlations of psychosocial factors in middle-aged women and improvement of obesity and osteoporosis. None of them(subjects were 16 middle-aged women) has any illness and use of any medication during the experiment. Before and after swiss ball-elastic band exercise for 1 year, body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density were analyzed. The psychosocial tests included the dietary habit, life style and stress by means of questionnaires. After 1 year, weight, body mass index(BMI), %fat, and waist-hip ratio(WHR) were significantly decreased. On the other hand, lean body mass(LBM), physical fitness and bone density were increased significantly(p<.05). Dietary was reverse related with LBM and flexibility and stress index was reverse correlated with balance. Meanwhile, only life style was related BMI and WHR. In conclusion, it suggested that swiss ball-elastic band exercise has positive effect on body composition and bone mineral density.



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