The Cost Fluctuating Status Analysis Classified Cost Effectiveness Factor for RC Rahmen Bridge

RC라멘교의 영향인자별 공사비변동현황 분석

Kim, Byung-Soo

  • Published : 20071100


It needs the dependable project estimation for economical efficiency ansalysis and budget at phase the planing and the feasibility study of the construction project. The approximate cost estimation of the each structure in the project estimation have a effect reliance of the total cost because the error range occur largely in poor of the possible use information. In the existing cost estimation method the error range is happening largely as compared with designed cost because use the simple mean of past designed cost. This reason is that not reflect the cost effectiveness factor. In this study for reduce the error range it define the cost effectiveness factor and analyze the cost fluctuation, present the coefficient of variation. Therefor, prepare the base data for reduce the error range in case of the approximate cost estimation for RC rahmen bridge.



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