Analysis of Hydrologic Behavior of SLURP Model Including Agricultural Reservoir Operation

농업용 저수지 운영을 고려한 SLURP 모형의 수문학적 거동 분석

Park, Min-Ji;Park, Geun-Ae;Kim, Seong-Joon

  • Published : 20070900


This study is to analyse the hydrological behavior of agricultural reservoir using SLURP model. For the upsteam watershed of Gongdo water level gauge station in Anseongcheon watershed, the streamflows at 2 reservoir (Gosam and Geumgwang) locations and Gongdo station were simulated with reservoir inclusion and exclusion. The model was calibrated and verified using 5 years (1998, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006) daily streamflow data in Gongdo station, and the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiencies were 0.70~0.82% (1999, 2002, 2004) and 0.56, 0.61% (1998, 2006), respectively. The difference of runoff ratio between the simulation results of reservoir inclusion and exclusion at reservoir location showed difference ranging from 10.5% to 31.1% for 2 year cases. On the other hand, the difference of runoff ratio between the simulation results of two reservoir inclusion and exclusion at Gongdo station was 3.7%, 7.2%. This is caused by the storage and release operation of agricultural reservoirs for the runoff occurred at 2 reservoir watersheds.



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