The status of physical fitness on daily living and quality of life of elderly female living in the rural community

농촌 여성 노인의 활동체력과 삶의 질 분석

Lee, Sang-Min;Seo, Chung-Jin;Jeong, Hee-Surk;Ko, Young-Wan;Moon, Chea-Ryeon;Kim, In-Hong;Kim, Muyng-Jin;Han, Dong-Sang

  • Published : 2007.09.29


The purposes of this study were determined status of physical fitness on daily living of elderly female in the living rural community. The first study was designed to analysis of changes of physical fitness of daily living and quality of life by according to the aging in the 258 women, age from 60 to 79, twelve items of physical fitness on daily living and six category of a quality of life were measured. The data obtained from the tests were analyzed utilizing one-way ANOVA. The result of the present study was follows: The values of one leg standing with eyes closed, reaction time, 2 min walking ware non significantly difference with aging(p<0.05). The ideally goal of the physical fitness on daily living was 75 percentiles. Subcategory of quality of life were significantly difference only health condition, self-consciousness. This suggests that elderly women living in rural community need exercise programs emphasizing different fitness aspects in order to improve physical fitness of daily living, and Quality of Life.



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