Extending the Postharvest Quality of Tomato Fruit by 1-Methylcyclopropene Application

1-Methylcyclopropene 처리에 의한 토마토의 수확후 선도 연장

Choi, Sun-Tae;Bae, Ro-Na

  • Published : 2007.03.31


A inhibitor of ethylene action, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), was treated to prolong the shelf life of ‘Supermomotaro’ tomato at concentrations of 250, 500, and 1,000 ppb for 4 h at 20℃ with 90% RH. After treatment tomatoes were stored still at 20℃ with 90% RH. The ethylene evolution was abruptly increased after 2 days storage at tomatoes of all treatments and control, but the values of treated tomatoes were less than that of control. The respiration was also inhibited by 1-MCP treatment effectively. All 1-MCP treated tomatoes were harder than non-treated fruit, but there were no significant difference among the 1-MCP treated groups. Weight loss was found to be less in 1-MCP treated groups compared with control. Fruits of all treatment groups and control began to increase rapidly in Hunter ‘a’ value, indicated reddish degree, from 2 days after harvest and showed each of peak in 6 days. However 1-MCP treated tomatoes revealed less the values than those of control. Fruit deterioration degree were similar between 250 and 500 ppb of 1-MCP treatment groups, but the degree of 1,000 ppb 1-MCP treatment group was higher than those of low concentration treatment groups. The treatment of 1,000 ppb might be high for tomato fruit, and thereby leading to injury. The 1-MCP concentration of 500 ppb can be recommended to maintain the good appearance and quality among tomatoes treated as well as control.



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