The relationship on an isokinetic for the Lumbar spinal joint muscular on the record of elite short speed skating athletes

엘리트 단거리 스피드 스케이팅 선수의 경기기록과 허리관절의 등속성 근력의 관련성

Jeon, Yong-Kyun;JeaGal, Sung-Ryul

  • Published : 2007.05.31


The purpose of this study was to get an information on among the record of elite short speed skating athletes, isokinetic Lumbar spinal joint muscular during 100m, 500m and 1,000m games. This study were participated in 11 subjects who were elite short speed skating athletes. It was used cybex 770. First, extensor and flexor showed each 317.5±56.15NM(per body mass:436.9±87.63%), 277.1±39.92NM(per body mass380.7±60.40%) at 30 /sec, showed a significant difference(p<.001), extensor and flexor showed each 213.9±26.15NM(per bodymass:302.8±44.13%), 184.2±19.98NM(per bodymass%:252.8±29.94) at 120 /sec, showed a significant difference(p<.001), Second, workload of lumbar spinal joint, showed significant(r= -.592, -.683, -.565)at 100m, 500m, 1000m record. Also workload of lumbar spinal joint(per bodymass%), showed significant(r= -.623, -.618)at 100m, 500m record.



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