The factors of elementary classroom teachers' deficit of physical education classes

초등학교 담임교사의 체육수업 결손 요인

Park, Jae-Jeong

  • Published : 20070100


The purpose of this study was to answer the question "What makes deficiency of the physical education(PE) classes for elementary classroom teachers?" The participants for this study were 24 students and 12 classroom teachers. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, students' diaries, the observation of classes, and documents. Data were analyzed by the methods of case record and inductive category analysis. The 'elementary school specific factor' in the「deficit of PE classes」was comprised of many aspects because of the characteristics of elementary school such as many school events, provisional time table in the beginning of semester and deficit of PE classes because of school year/grade activity. The 'physical-circumstantial specific factor' was categorized according to the bad weather and the playground condition. The 'human specific factor' was categorized according to the characters of busy elementary school teacher, the values and the beliefs of teachers and parents for PE, and the result from the character of elementary school students' development.



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