Current status and research trends of bovine brucellosis in Korea

국내 소 Brucella병의 발생 및 연구동향

Jung, Suk-Chan;Cho, Dong-Hee;Nam, Hyang-Mi;Heo, Eun-Jeong;Cho, Yun-Sang;Hwang, In-Yeong;Kim, Jong-Wan

  • Published : 20070600


Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonotic infection in animals and humans caused by Brucetta species.Bovine bmcellosis is characterized by abortion, infertility and reduced milk yield. Korean government hasconducted the test and slaughter strategy for the eradication of bovine bmcellosis.The first outbreak of bovine bmcellosis in K-orea was reported in 1955. Ofthe 124 dairy cattle imported6om USA, 30 catt1e(24%) were identified as reactors. Since then, the disease occurred sporadically until1983 and the most outbreaks have been reported in dairy cattle until 1999. However, annual number ofthe infected cattle was over 100 from 1984, and the prevalence increased continuously. Especially thedetection rate of bmcellosis has been increasing sharply since 2003, because the bmcellosis negativecertification system for cattle traded in the livestock market for the enforcement of the bmcellosisdetection, and the increased brucellosis outbreak in native cattle which have never been tested nationallyfor bmcellosis before.The cause of infection was estimated fhat the 46.2% of infected farms seemed to have introduced the diseaseby purchasing the bmcellosis-positive cattle and the 12.2% of those may have been infected fromneighboring bmcellosis-positive farms. Brucellosis was eradicated without recurrence in 67.9% of the infectedfarms, whereas 32.1% of those was occurred again after the first outbreak, hi particular, the recurrent rate offarms which had the aborted cattle was significantly higher than that of farms that did not have the aborted cattle.Br. abortus was isolated from dairy and native cattle in K-orea, and most isolates belonged to biotype 1.The diagnosis ofhrucellosis is currently based on the serological and microbiological tests. Howsver, the microbiologicalisolation and identification are time-consuming and laborious, and the serological methods have been reportedto cross-react with antigens other than those from BruceUa spp. Therefore, it is needed urgently to develop rapid,sensitive and specific methods for diagnosis of animal brucellosis. furthermore, the fluorescencepolarization assay and dip-stick kit could be applicable to the diagnosis of bovine bmcellosis in the farm,the slaughterhouse and the livestock market for Brucetta Eradication Program.In conclusion, brucellosis continues to be a serious disease for animal and human health in Korea. Theprograms for the control of bmcellosis in cattle have always been based on a test and slaughter policy.Further, well-structured research is required, the results of which could be used to plan an approphatenational control programs for brucellosis.



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