Current Status of CPR in Korea

심폐소생술의 국내현황

Song, Keun-Jeong;Oh, Dong-Jin

  • Published : 20070700


Cardiac Arrest victims are increasing but EMS is not ready for them, in Korea. At this time, we need to know the exact status about the chain of survival of CPR and the outcome after out-of-hospital arrest. More than 90% of out-of-hospital arrest was witnessed, and about a half at home, but bystander CPR was done in only about 10%. EMS is activated by the unified phone number (119), but in only 1%, EMS was dispatched for CPR, nationwide. EMS responders were not educated and organized specific for CPR situation. BLS and equipped AED were not always utilized to whom needed. Pre-hospital ACLS were exceptionally done by first responder. Initial ECG findings, most of which were recorded at Hospital ED(more than 20 minutes after collapse), were VF/Pulseless VT(11-12%), Asystole(63-64%), and PEA(24-26%). Initial ROSC rate was 44-45%, and final Discharge Alive rate was 5-10%. The outcome of out-of-hospital arrest was dependent on bystander CPR and initial ECG finding. Most of lay-person are aware to CPR, but not adequately educated to do CPR when needed. We should organize the efforts to improve the quality of EMS and build up the education system of CPR nationwide, at now.



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