Effects of falling experience on physical fitness, isokinetic leg strength, and balance in the elderly women

노인여성의 넘어진 경험이 활동체력, 등속성 각근력 및 평형성에 미치는 영향

Sung, Soon-Chang;Kang, Chang-Gyun;Lee, Man-Gyoon

  • Published : 2007.05.31


This study was designed to investigate the effects of falling experience on physical fitness, isokinetic leg strength, and balance in the elderly women utilizing new instruments with high validity to measure muscle strength and balance in the lower extremities. Forty elderly women were volunteered to participate in the study as subjects. They were divided into two groups, i.e., falling experienced group(FG: n=20) and non-falling experienced group(NFG: n=20). Variables related to physique, body composition, isokinetic leg strength, physical fitness, and balance were measured and compared between the two groups. The results in up and down on the chair, leg agility, 10m walk, and flexion of upper arm were significantly lower in FG than NFG. All values in isokinetic leg strength were significantly lower in FG than NFG. In addition, FG showed significantly lower dynamic balance compared to NFG. It was concluded that decline in muscle strength and dynamic balance of lower extremities would be critical factors to cause falling in the elderly.



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