A Study on the Measurement and Prediction of Green House Gas Generated from Middle and Small Scale Landfill

중소형 매립장 발생 온실가스 측정 및 예측에 관한 연구

Chung, Jin-Do;Kim, Jang-Woo;Kim, Jung-Tae;Han, Jong-Min

  • Published : 2007.10.31


The generation rate of methane gas, in this study, emitted from the gas venting wells and surface is estimated at KS landfill and YI landfill. The constant (k) for the generation rate of methane gas is estimated by Tier 2 method of IPCC Guideline as well. In order to predict the generation rate of methane gas for four decades after, effect of Each factor was been found. In addition, DOC (Degradable Organic Carbon) is calculated by application of equation which is suitable characteristics of domestic waste. As a result, DOC of KS landfill and YI landfill are 0.053 and 0.1. F value is 47.51% for KS landfill and 49.91% for YI landfill, the generation rate of methane gas was 583.17 ton/yr and 1,748.53 ton/yr respectively. The constant (k) for the generation rate of methane gas based on results of fields measurement is estimated 0.1935 yr-1 when F value is 0.4751 and default (F = 0.5) for KS landfill. If F value is 0.4991, k is estimated 0.0727 yr-1, and if F value is default, k is estimated 0.0726 yr-1 for YI landfill. KS landfill site, which is proposed to be operated until the year of 2005, would generate 2,155.11 tons of methane gas in 2005, and would generate totally 3,133.48 tons until 2047 when F reaches 0.4751. If F reaches 0.5, emission of methane gas is 2,268.06 ton in 2005, and would generate totally 3,297.7 tons until 2047. YI landfill site, which is proposed to be operated until the year of 2011, would generate 12,169 tons of methane gas in 2011, and would generate totally 27,472.46 tons until 2052 when F reaches 0.49915. If F reaches 0.5, emission of methane gas is 12,179.23 ton in 2011, and would generate totally 27,515.3 tons until 2052.



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