Daily Channel Flow Routing with Nonlinear Storage Equation

비선형 저류방정식을 이용한 일 단위 하도추적법

Kim, Nam-Won;Lee, Byong-Ju;Lee, Jung-Eun;Lee, Jeong-Woo

  • Published : 20070900


The objective of this study is to investigate the limitations of daily channel flow routing methods, and to present the new routing technique with nonlinear storage equation. To meet this objective, conventional routing methods such as Muskingum routing method and variable storage routing method were assessed at the daily time step, and then the enhanced daily channel flow routing model which is based on the nonlinear storage equation was developed to overcome the limitations of the conventional flow routing methods. In order to test the applicability of the newly suggested routing method for the real watershed, this channel flow routing model was added in the semi-distributed watershed model, SWAT, and the model was applied for the Chungju Dam basin. The simulated results were found to be more realistic than those of the conventional routing methods. The channel routing model presented in this study will give good contribution for accurate simulations of channel flow, sediment and nutrient transports in channels.



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