Kinetics of Nitrification and Denitrification in Hybrid Activated Sludge Process

HASP 공정의 동역학적 질산화와 탈질산화 효율 연구

Yoon, Young-Han;Park, Jae-Roh;An, Sang-Woo;Gee, Jae-Sung

  • Published : 20070700


Hybrid Activated Sludge Process (HASP) was developed and applied to an activated sludge process for advanced nutrient treatment. The characteristics of nitrogen removal from the HASP was investigated through a kinetic study by batch-type experiment. On-line DB analysis was conducted for the nutrient removal performance in the field demonstration plant treating 10,000 m3 sewage per day in P city. This paper aimed to determine the effect of increasing NH4+-N load on the specific nitrification rate (SNR) and specific denitrification rate (SDNR) through the batch-type experiment and to estimate the net reaction time for the phase-transfer rate by the on-line DB analysis from the HASP manual mode operation. Experimental results include; (1) Both the nitrification and denitrification followed first-order kinetics. (2) The maximum SNR and SDNR were 4.0308 mgN/gVSS?hr and 2.7852 mgN/gVSS?hr, respectively. (3) Comparison the phase-transfer rates between nitrification and denitrification from the on-line DB analysis found that nitrification rate was higher than denitrification. It was concluded that increase in denitrification rate can enhance overall nitrogen removal rate in the HASP operation.



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