Antimicrobial resistance of commensal bacteria isolated from food-producing animals II. Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. isolated from pig fecal samples

가축 유래 지표 세균에 대한 항생제 내성 양상 조사 II. 돼지 분변에서 분리한 대장균 및 장구균의 항생제 내성 양상 조사

Lim, Suk-Kyung;Lee, Hee-Soo;Byun, Jung-Ryul;Park, Shin-Yung;Jung, Suk-Chan

  • Published : 20070300


In this study, we investigated the prevalence and degree of antimicrobial resistance of EschericoU co/i,and Eneterococci spp. isolated from 377 pig faecal samples. The most frequently observed resistance inE. coli isolates was to tetracycline (92.6%), followed by resistance to ampicillin (68.3%) and streptomycin(68.0%). E. faecium and E. faecatis also showed resistance to tetracyclme (57.9%, 98.7%) anderythromycin (69.2%, 66.0%). Ofthe isolates, 93.4% and 73.9% of E. coh and Enterococcus spp. strainsshowed resistance against more than two of antimicrobial agents tested, respectively. This study exhibitshigher prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in commensal entehc bacteha in pigs, and highlights theurgent need for measures to regulate the abuse of antimicrobial agents, especially m food producinganimals in K-orea.



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