Analysis of hypothetical causal model on the relationship verbal violence experience and self training participation of junior and high school athletes

중.고등학교 운동선수의 언어폭력경험과 자율훈련참가의 가설적 인과모형 분석

Kang, Shin-Wook

  • Published : 20071100


The main objective of the present study was to test the structural equation modeling on the relationship verbal violence experience and self training participation of junior and high school athletes. 614 young athletes were selected from 64 schools as subjects using stratified cluster sampling method from March to April, 2007. Significant results are; 1. Female, highschool, and individual item athletes' degree of self training participation are higher. 2. Sem proposed by verbal violence experience, sports confidence, sports commitment, and seif training participation after removing some observed variables is fit. 3. The primary factor affecting self training participation of junior and high school athletes is sports commitment, and following factor is sports confidence.



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