An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Perception of the Monitoring Function on Effective BPMS Adoption

모니터링 기능에 대한 인식이 효과적인 BPMS 도입에 미치는 영향

  • 채명신 (서울벤처정보대학원대학교) ;
  • 박진석 (대우일렉트로닉스 디스플레이연구소 기획팀) ;
  • 이병태 (KAIST 테크노경영대학원)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


Recently, there is a substantial interest in implementing Business Process Management System(BPMS) among enterprises with the purpose of business process innovation. BPMS redesigns and coordinates business processes in terms of both automated steps and human involvement in order to maximize the value of both involved people and systems. The reason why BPMS is getting attention from top managers is that it has the possibility to optimize the business processes by cycling the process of modeling, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and redesigning work processes. Thus, it has created high expectations about not only productivity improvement but also business process innovation. However. having an innovative nature, which is used for process innovation, BPMS implementation has great potential to stir up employee resistance. The analysis and the discussion about the prevention of the resistance against IS(Information Systems) is important because IS change the way people work and also alter the power structure within the organization, in general. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that have an impact on the effective adoption of BPMS at the enterprise level. To find out these factors, this study considers two characteristics of BPMS: First. BPMS shares some characteristics with other enterprise-wide IS such as ERP. Second, it has special BPMS-specific characteristics. Due to the lack of previous research on BPMS adoption, interviews were carried out with IT-consultants and CIOs who conducted BPMS projects previously to find out BPMS-specific features that would make BPMS unique when compared to other enterprise-wide IS. As a result, the monitoring function was chosen as the main BPMS-specific factor. Thus, this paper reviewed studies both on enterprise-wide IS adoptions, which applied Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and secondly on computer based monitoring to find out factors that would influence the employees' perception on the monitoring function of BPMS. Based on the literature review, the study suggested three factors that would have an impact on the employee's perception of the monitoring function: fairness of enterprise evaluation system, fairness of the boss, and self-efficacy of their work. Three factors that would impact the enterprise-wide IS adoption were also set: the shared belief in the benefit of BPMS, training, and communication. Then, these factors were integrated with TAM. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses, out factors that would impact the employees' perception on the monitoring function of BPMS. Based on the literature review the study suggested three factors that would have an impact on the employee's perception of the monitoring function: fairness of enterprise evaluation system, fairness of the boss, and self-efficacy of their work. Three factors that would impact the enterprise-wide IS adoption were also set: the shared belief in the benefit of BPMS, training, and communication. Then, these factors were integrated with TAM. Structural equation modeling was used to test hypotheses. The data analysis results showed that two among three monitoring function related factors - enterprise evaluation system and fairness of the boss - were significant. This implies that employees would worry less about the BPMS implementation as long as they perceive the monitoring results will be used fairly for their performance evaluation. However, employees' high self-efficacy on their job was not a significant factor in their perception of the usefulness of BPMS. This is related to cases that showed employees resisted against the information systems because they automated their works (Markus, 1983). One specific case was an electronic company, where the accounting department workers were requested to redefine their job because their working processes were automated due to BPMS implementation.



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