Effects of Temperature on The Development and Reproduction of Cletus punctiger Dallas and Cletus schmidti Kiritshenko (Heteroptera : Coreidae) on Rice

벼 시골가시허리노린재, 우리가시허리노린재의 온도별 발육 및 산란반응

  • 백채훈 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소) ;
  • 최만영 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소) ;
  • 서홍렬 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소) ;
  • 김재덕 (작물과학원 호남농업연구소)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


The two species of rice bugs causing pecky rice, Cletus punctiger and Cletus schmidti are often observed coexisting in the rice fields of nearby fallow land. Direct feeding damage to rice by C. punctiger and C. schmidti can lead to a reduction in grain quality and quantity. These studies were carried out to investigate the development of C. punctiger and C. schmidti at various constant temperatures ranging from 20 to $30^{\circ}C$, 65% RH, and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Egg hatchability of C. punctiger/C. schmidti at the temperatures of 20, 25 and $30^{\circ}C$ were 80.6/88.0, 91.7/96.3, 96.4/96.2%, respectively. The development periods of eggs of C. punctiger/C. schmidti at the temperatures of 20, 25, and $30^{\circ}C$ were 16.4/18.4, 9.4/10.2 and 6.4/7.3 days, respectively. Mean developmental periods of 1 st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th nymphs of C. punctiger/c. schmidti at $30^{\circ}C$ were 2.1/2.0, 3.5/4.0, 3.3/5.6, 3.2/4.8 and 5.8/6.9 days, respectively. Oviposition began 8.1 days after emergence at $25^{\circ}C$, and the longevity of female and male were 120.0 and 117.3 days, respectively. Total number of eggs through the life of female were 245.5 laying 2.2 eggs a day in average at $25^{\circ}C$. The development periods of egg and nymphs of C. punctiger were relatively shorter than those of C. schmidti. Availability of male had affected the egg hatchability greatly that laid at 30th day after 60 days period of oviposition in the presence of adult male of C. punctiger. The fertile eggs laid by the female together with male was 92.1% but those without male was only 9.6%.

휴경지 인근 벼에 발생하여 반점미를 유발하는 등 미질에 영향을 주는 시골가시허리노린재와 우리가시허리노린재의 생물학적 특성을 구명하였다. 시골가시허리노린재와 우리가시허리노린재 알의 부화율은 20, 25 및 $30^{\circ}C$에서 각각 80.6/88.0, 91.7/96.3 및 96.4/96.2%이며, 평균발육기간은 각각 16.4/18.4, 9.4/10.2 및 6.4/7.3일이었다. 약충의 발육기간은 $30^{\circ}C$에서 1령, 2령, 3령, 4령 및 5령이 각각 평균 2.1/2.0, 3.5/4.0, 3.3/5.6, 3.2/4.8 및 5.8/6.9일이었으며, 시골가시허리노린재가 우리가시허리노린재에 비하여 약충의 발육기간이 짧았다 시골가시허리노린재의 산란전기간은 $25^{\circ}C$에서 8.1일, 성충수명은 암컷이 120.0일, 수컷이 117.3일로 약 4개월 정도였고, 암컷이 수컷에 비하여 수명이 약간 길었다. 성충 한 마리의 총 산란수는 245.5개였고, 일일 산란수는 평균 2.2개였다. 시골가시허리노린재는 산란기간 중 여러 번 교미하며, 교미한 후 90일이 경과한 뒤 산란된 알의 부화율은 수컷과 같이 넣어둔 경우에는 92.1%였으나, 30일 동안 수컷을 넣어주지 않은 경우에는 9.6%로 낮게 나타났다. 또한 두 종의 형태적 특징을 현미경하에서 관찰하여 기술하였다.



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