A Study on Ecological Characteristics of Interior Design for Apartment Building - A Case Analysis of Model Houses for Medium- and large-sized Pyeong Apartments in Busan Area -

아파트 실내디자인의 생태적 특성에 관한 연구 - 부산지역 중.대형 평수 아파트 모델하우스 사례분석 -

  • 신제문 (동서대학교 디자인 & IT전문대학원) ;
  • 윤지영 (동서대학교 디지털 디자인학과)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


This study attempted to analyze the characteristics of interior design of the apartment units of Model-houses in terms of ecological aspects. 9 companies that possessed their model houses among the construction companies in Busan area as of August 2006 were selected. 20 units in the model houses of these companies were visited and analyzed. Through literature review, the guideline for the environmentally-friendly residential design was designed and developed to the checklists. The data collected were analyzed to find out the ecological characteristics of the interior space of apartment units. The findings are the followings. First, energy efficiency was properly considered in terms of natural lighting and natural ventilation. Second, in sustainability, the materials for floors and walls could not be reused even though they were environmentally-friendly. Water system needs more improvement for sustainable development including grey-water and rain recycling system. Third, interior greening should be applied more for better environment both physically and emotionally. It is expected that future housing will be more high-risen and densely-populated apartment spaces. Therefore, an approach to new ecological aspects including an emphasis on interior greening, use of eco-materials and adhesives, water recycling and flexibility of the spatial configuration should be made for the next generation.



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