The Aesthetic Characteristics of the Necktie in the Modern Fashion

현대패션에 표현된 넥타이의 미적특성

  • Kim, Sun-Young (Department of Fashion Design, Sunchon National University)
  • Published : 2007.06.30


The purpose of this study was to understanding the intrinsic meanings and aesthetic characteristics expressed by current fashion trends in neckties and to develop a new and unique fashion design for neckties. This study used precedent studies and related literatures to review the changes in neckties and the types of knots used over time. The findings were then verified by photographs from fashion magazines and collections from the 1990s. The results of this study are as follows. First, neckties, generally regarded as a symbol of masculinity, are often mixed with other men's or women's clothing items rather than being worn by themselves, and they provide an androgynous characteristic in women's fashion. This transcendence of femininity or masculinity reflects the human desire to be a more perfect being by sharing each others characteristics, and it can be seen in contemporary beauty trends. Second, neckties have been transformed into scarves, waist belts, front-fly omaments, and so forth. They are used to express a new and sensational sense, the sense of deconstructionism, by breaking away from stereotypes and changing the shape of neckties atypically.



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