Kinematical Analysis of Basket with 1/2 Turn to Handstand on Parallel Bars

평행봉 Basket with 1/2 Turn to Handstand 기술 분석

  • Published : 2007.03.31


The subject of this study was male apparatus gymnastics athlete who had scored high points doing basket with 1/2 turn on parallel bars. Then 3D motion analysis were used to calculate & analyse kinematic variables of Basket with 1/2 turn to Handstand. 1. The total average time spent for Basket with 1/2 turn took $2.16{\pm}.08sec$, at the downward upward phase took $.58{\pm}0.00sec$, $.23{\pm}.00sec$, at flight phase took $.28{\pm}.01sec$, at connected area phase took $.72{\pm}0.21sec$, at rotation area phase took $.35{\pm}.14sec$. To have a successful performance, there should be faster speed and velocity to rotate at the downward upward phase, then the upward velocity and height must be used adequately. Moreover, the speed must be faster at the flight connect phase to stabilize Center of Mass(CM) for the body, and must secure more time at the rotation area to have more stable performance. 2. After handstand on parallel bars while moving CM to right hand side, and It must be performed with big and magnificent performance with putting both hand's center to far away from the parallel bars. 3. Furthermore, CM must be moved fast from downwards to right hand side, and CM must be moved fast in vertical movement at upward and flight phase to avoid CM from moving back and forth, and left and right. 4. At downwards, the subject must rotate as bis as possible using hip-joint as wide as possible and at upwards, must put his body to vertical to have stable performance. While rotating or turning, it is better to do with bigger shoulder angle and have to make sure that trunk angle must be not scattered. To perform better and more positive in basket with 1/2 turn on parallel bars, the centrifugal force must be used big and fast at downward, and at upward and flight phase, downward movement must change to vertical movement as soon as possible while turning movement must happen at handstand position. Time spent must be shorten at connected area to stabilize CM and turning must be natural as possible while securing the necessary time of movement to well-balanced. Also, the body must be vertically closed from the ground.



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  1. Improving Evaluation of the Basket-to-Handstand Mount by a Technical Training Program on Parallel Bars vol.19, pp.4, 2009,