The Factors (Job Burnout, Job Engagement, the Workplace Safety) Influencing Employees' Job Satisfaction in School Food Service Operations

학교급식 조리종사자의 직무 만족도에 영향을 미치는 직무 소진, 직무 관여 및 조리작업안전에 대한 인식

  • 송남청 (안동대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이혜상 (안동대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 이경은 (서울여자대학교 식품과학부 식품영양)
  • Published : 2007.10.31


The study was conducted to investigate the influences of food service employees' job burnout, job engagement, and workplace safety perception on their job satisfaction. A survey was administered on 589 school food service employees in Gyeongbuk from December 5, 2005 to February 18, 2006. The final response rate was 71% (N= 416); the data were analyzed using SPSS Windows (ver. 12.0). A majority of the respondents were females (99.0%) and 40 years old or older (75.3%); 84% were temporary contact-based or irregular workers. Among the job burnout dimensions, exhaustion ($2.98{\pm}0.59$) was rated higher than cynicism ($2.33{\pm}0.54$), while professional efficacy level ($3.61{\pm}0.47$) was relatively high. In terms of job engagement, the means of absorption ($3.67{\pm}0.49$) and dedication ($3.65{\pm}0.52$) were higher than that of vigor ($3.22{\pm}0.46$). A systematic environmental level ($3.15{\pm}0.58$) was lower than safety knowledge level ($3.63{\pm}0.49$) among the workplace safety statistics, whereas the anxiety level ($3.25{\pm}0.74$) was relatively high. The food service staff were more satisfied with 'supervisors' and 'co-workers' than with 'pay' and 'promotion'. A hierarchial regression analysis revealed that dedication, absorption, systematic environment, and safety knowledge were significant factors to increase job satisfaction and exhaustion which significantly decreased their job satisfaction.



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