The recognition of oral health professionals on oral health promoting effect of xylitol among dental personnel in Korea

구강보건전문가의 자일리톨 구강병예방효과에 대한 인지도 조사연구

Jung, Jae-Yeon;Kang, Jae-Kyoung;Kim, Soo-Hwa;Shin, Myong-Suk;Cho, Myung-Sook;Hwang, Yoon-Sook;Song, Keun-Bae

  • Published : 2008.09.01


Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the recognition of oral health professionals on the preventive effect of xylitol to inform people of xylitol, and to help the professionals correctly understand and utilize the knowledge about xylitol. Methods: The questionnaires were sent out and collected by mail and email aimed at dental hygienists and dentists who were working in public health centers and dental clinics nationwide. The questionnaires were composed of general items, routes of the acquisition of xylitol information, and knowledge of xylitol. The collected questionnaires, 402 copies from dental hygienists and 110 copies from dentists, were statistically analyzed by chi-square test, t-test and logistic regression analysis using SPSS program. Results: It was shown that TV and mass media was the highest in the route of acquisition of xylitol information. As regards how to recommend xylitol, 49.1% of dental hygienists answered ‘only explain xylitol’ and 59.1% of dentists answered ‘not to recommend’. In regards to the reason for no recommendation of xylitol, 36.4% of dental hygienists responded because they "do not know much’ about xylitol, and 45.2% of dentists did because they 'have no trust in xylitol’. Dental hygienist showed higher intention of receiving xylitol information and recommending xylitol than that of dentists. And dental hygienist had higher recognition of xylitol than that of dentists as well(p<0.001). The higher the recognition of xylitol, the intention of receiving xylitol information and recommending xylitol was more increased(p<0.001). Conclusion: Oral health professionals showed low recognition of xylitol which made them not to recommend xylitol. Therefore it is necessary to offer scientific and academic information for them.



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