Evaluation of Heavy Metal Mobilization from Soils Using Chelating Agents

킬레이트제를 이용한 토양에서의 중금속 용출제거 평가

Jee, Sang-Hyun;Ko, Seok-Oh

  • Published : 2008.06.25


The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of soil washing process to remove Pb, Cu, and Zn from soils. EDTA and citric acid was used as chelating agent to mobilize the heavy metals in soils. Batch tests with an aqueous solution of chelating agent were performed at different chelate concentration and solid/liquid ratios. Column tests were also performed and sequential extraction method was used to evaluate the metal type bound to each fraction of different soil components. Results for batch tests showed that metal removal from soil washing with EDTA was in the order of Pb > Cu > Zn. The higher EDTA concentration in the solution, the higher extraction of heavy metal was observed. Increase in the soil/liquid ratio for soil washing did not show proportional increase in the removal efficiency of metals, implying that optimum ratio has to be used for batch washing process. When citric acid was used as chelating agent, metal removal was in the order of Cu > Zn > Pb. At the test conditions, citric acid was ineffective for Pb, while it showed greatest mobilization of Zn. In column tests, complexation capacity of metal with EDTA played important role in the mobilization. For citric acid, preference in the heavy metal elution from the column was highly dependent on the solution pH and complexation formation capacity with chelate agent in part. Sequential extraction indicated that large part of Pb has carbonate bound fraction, while Cu and Zn have hydroxide fraction



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