A Study on the Preference of Urban Development Methods by Owned-Land Characteristics

토지소유특성에 따른 도시개발사업방식 선택에 관한 연구 II

Yun, Seok-Yun;Kim, Nam-Jung;Park, Hwan-Yong

  • Published : 2008.04.08


This study attempts to find out preference of urban development methods by analyzing the major influencing factors of diverse landownership characteristics on the selection of development methods. As a result, in addition to the economic value, the characteristics of the landownership is also an important factor on the preference of the development methods. First, regarding the age of landowners, the aged (over 61) owners prefer selling to replotting. Next, regarding the place of residence, the residents in the project zone prefer selling, while the farther the place of residence is, the more replotting is preferred . Third, the relocation plan for the landowners shows a large impact on the preference for the purchase method. Fourth, more owners prefer replotting when official land prices are relatively lower. Fifth, regarding the influence of the future land use plan on the land, the owners prefer replotting when they are expected to be benefitted by being allocated in the high density residential area or commercial area. Sixth, the owners of larger lands who expect a large amount of compensation prefer selling. Lastly, other characteristics including the classification of land category, area of land, terms of ownership, or transfer income tax, are not decisive factors; however, they affect indirectly on other characteristics.



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