Changes of Sugar Composition and Related Enzyme Activities of `Kansuke Hakuto' and `Kurakatawase' Peach Fruit after Rainfall

Kwon, Jung-Hyun;Park, Hye-Young;Jun, Ji-Hae;Lee, Hee-Jae

  • Published : 20080000


To investigate factors that reduce soluble solids content (SSC) of peach fruits after rainfall, 2 peach cultivars, ‘Kansuke Hakuto’ and ‘Kurakatawase’, were compared. Changes of SSC, individual sugar content, enzyme activity, photosynthetic rate, and water content were monitored. After rainfall of 105.5 mm during one day at fruit ripening season, SSC dropped significantly from 10.6 to 9.6 oBrix in ‘Kurakatawase’, but not in ‘Kansuke Hakuto’. In ‘Kurakatawase’, sucrose synthase (SS) activity and sucrose content also decreased with SSC after rainfall, and those 3 factors were positively related each other. In ‘Kansuke Hakuto’, SS activity and sucrose content were not decreased. In this cultivar, SS and sucrose, sucrose and SSC were positively related. However, SS and SSC were not related, suggesting that other factors might influence SSC. In photosynthetic rate, light saturation point of ‘Kurakatawase’ was higher than that of ‘Kansuke Hakuto’, and consequently ‘Kansuke Hakuto’ leaves might accumulate more carbohydrates under insufficient solar radiation such as cloudy or rainy days. In conclusion, factors related with SSC might be sucrose content, SS activity, and photosynthetic rate. Effects of enzyme activity and photosynthetic rate might vary among cultivars. Therefore, selection of suitable cultivar might be one solution for the SSC reduction after rainfall.



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