Factors affecting the job satisfaction and the organizational commitment of a employee working for dental institutes in the Seoul metropolitan area

수도권 치과 의료기관 종사자의 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 영향을 미치는 요인

Park, In-Hwan;Yoo, Ja-Hea;Kim, Hee-Eun;Kim, Baek-Il;Kwon, Ho-Keun

  • Published : 2008.09.01


Objectives: This study examined the factors affecting the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees who work for dental institutions. Through these study results, managers or leaders in dental institutions can increase the organizational performance to improve the factors related to their employees' satisfaction and commitment. Methods: The factors influencing the level of satisfaction and commitment were determined from data collected from employees working at dental institutions. The sample size was 168 employees, and collecting rate was 68.4%. The sampling method used was convenient sampling. Factor analysis was used to make constructs from the questions. As independent variables, the questions consisted of five constructs, such as salary and promotion, method for performing work, empowerment, mission and vision, and X-Y index. Regarding the dependent variable, the questions consisted of two constructs, such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Results: Job satisfaction was influenced by the organizational hardware only, such as salary and promotion and the method for performing work. Therefore, managers need to consider rewards and support for work. In addition, the second result indicates that managers need to consider the reward from human resource management issues, and the effectiveness of software focusing on human relations, such as empowerment and Y type management style, to improve the quality of work. Conclusions: Job satisfaction was influenced by the method of performing work, and salary and promotion. Organizational commitment was influenced by the salary and promotion, empowerment, and Y type.



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