The Educational and Vocational Status of Muscular Dystrophy Patients

근디스트로피 환자의 교육 및 직업 실태

Im, Sang-Hee;Moon, Jae-Ho;Park, Yoon-Ghil;Kim, Dong-Soo;Kim, Hyung-Kyun;Song, Myung-Ho

  • Published : 2008.03.01


Objective: To investigate the current condition of education and vocation of patients with muscular dystrophy in Korea and to identify the factors determining their educational and vocational status. Method: This study included 129 patients with muscular dystrophy. Functional level of patients was evaluated by modified Barthel index (MBI). The current condition of education and vocation of patients was evaluated by self-reports. The mean age of the patients was 23.5 years and 84.5% were men. Results: Education duration of patients was 11.8 years, similar to that of general Korean population. University graduation rate of patients was 29.8%, which is higher than average rate of general Korean population. The unemployment rate of patients was 77.4%, which is much higher than average rate of general Korean population. Education duration was correlated with the onset age of disease symptom and with the functional level at the end of education period. The vocational status was related with education duration and functional level. The factor which influenced most negatively on maintaining education and vocation was physical limitation. Conclusion: For muscular dystrophy patients with physical limitation, equal opportunities and environment for exercising their ability should be secured with the specific policies and regulations, which consider their physical disabilities and interconnect educational field with vocational field. (J Korean Acad Rehab Med 2008; 32: 51-55)



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