Analysis on the Relationship Between Throughput Size, Relative Efficiency and Market Performance of a Port in International Port Competition

국제 항만경쟁에서 항만 규모와 효율성, 시장성과 사이의 관계에 대한 연구

Sohn, Jeong-Rak;Kang, Myoung-Gu;Jeong, Chang-Moo

  • Published : 2008.04.08


This olume of frstudy aims at examining the relationship between throughput size, container handling efficiency and market performance(veight container transshipment) of a port. The hypothesis tested here is that the bigger size of a port can increase the efficiency level of a port in terms of 'relative' efficiency, which will be led to improved market performance. To verify the hypothesis, this study carries out two analysis. Firstly, the overall efficiency change of major Asian ports is examined through Stochastic Frontier Analysis, producing the relative efficiency indices of the ports. Two questions are to be analyzed here: (I) Whether the throughput size of a port increases the relative efficiency (2) the threshold size that gives positive effect on the efficiency level. Secondly, the relationship between port efficiency and market performance(the volume of container transshipment) is studied through panel data analysis. Consequently, it is revealed that the bigger size of a port is a positive factor for improved efficiency and better market performance of a port while the port throughput goal of Korean government should be re-considered in North-East Asian port competition context.



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