Fluoride concentration of commercial dentifrices for children in Korea

국내 시판중인 수종의 어린이치약의 불소함량의 평가

Hong, Suk-Jin;Park, Young-Nam;Jeong, Seong-Soog;Ha, Myung-Ok;Choi, Choong-Ho;Lee, Kyeong-Hee

  • Published : 2008.06.01


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to know whether commercial dentifrices for children contain the proper total available soluble, total and ionic fluoride concentration. Materials and Methods : Thirteen dentifrices for children were collected and the diffusion method was adapted for fluoride determination. Results : All dentifrices collected contain fluoride. Total soluble fluoride concentrations of commercial dentifrices for children containing MFP were from 204.43 ppm to 1,129.15 ppm and containing NaF was 452.37 ppm. Total fluoride concentrations of the dentifrices containing MFP were from 208.98 ppm to 1,041.71 ppm and containing NaF was 542.66 ppm. Fluoride ion concentration of the dentifrices containing MFP were from 3.38 ppm to 69.89 ppm and containing NaF was 500.50 ppm. Conclusion : According to the above results, most of dentifrices for children contained MFP which is almost same level of dentifrices for adults. Thus, there is a need to develop the dentifrices containing NaF and educate the parents who teach the tooth brushing method to their children.



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