An oral health promotion behavior model for primary school children

초등학생의 구강건강증진행위 모형

Kim, Su-Gyeong;Kim, Yeong-Su

  • Published : 2008.12.01


Objectives: This study has been attempted to identify the major factors against oral health promotion behaviors of primary school children. Those identified factors were used to hypothesize a model and it was verified by way of explanation for the children's oral health promotion behaviors. Methods: The measured variables of the oral health promotion behavior of primary school children include previous oral health related behavior, overstress by study, perceived oral health status, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, self-esteem, self-efficacy, social support, and oral health promotion behavior. The gathered data were analyzed statistically by SPSS WIN 12.0 and LISREL WIN 8.8 program. The findings were as follows. Results: Firstly, the fitness degree of hypothetical model was GFI=0.96, RMSR=0.049, and NFI=0.93, it's apparent that the model was appropriately matched. Secondly, 23 out of the 26 paths were turned out correspondent to the hypothetical model which accepted as direct effect. And two hypotheses had statistical significance indirectly. Thus, total 25 hypotheses were supported except the paths with social support and oral health promotion behavior. Thirdly, the three extrinsic variables that were previous oral health related behaviors, overstress by study, and perceived oral health status turned out to have influences on all the intrinsic variables. Fourthly, the biggest positive influences to the perceived oral health promotion behavior came from previous oral health related behavior(=0.45, t=14.66), which were followed by perceived oral health status(=0.22, t=7.39), perceived benefit(=0.14, t=4.63), self-efficacy(=0.16, t=4.30), and self-esteem(=0.11, t=3.13) in the order. The variable that had the most negative impacts was study-related stress(=-0.14, t=-8.27), which was followed by perceived barrier(=-0.13, t=-4.29). Lastly, the previous oral health related behavior, perceived oral health status, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, self-esteem and self-efficacy are turned out as direct factors which influenced to children's oral health promotion behaviors. and overstress by study is turned out as an indirect factor. Conclusions: The prediction model of the oral health promotion behavior for the primary school children developed in the study is a comprehensive one and may be practically useful to predict the oral health promotion behavior of children.



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