The Effects of the Landscape Visibility of a Golf Course on Apartment Price: A Case Study of the Residential Area Around Hansung C.C. in Yong-in City

골프장 조망이 아파트 가격에 미치는 영향 : 용인시 한성골프장 주변지역을 사례로

Kim, Ji-Hyun

  • Published : 20081200


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of the landscape visibility of a golf course on apartment price through multiple regression and correlation analysis. The case area studied is the surrounding residential district of Hansung C.C. in Yong-in City. The sample size is 114 housing units. The results of the study are summed up as follows; First, there are statistically significant effects of the landscape visibility of a golf course on apartment price. Second, even though apartment brands as a single factor have the most powerful influence on apartment price, the combined influence of various landscape visibility factors is stronger. Third, among the landscape visibility factors, the width of the horizontal visibility of a golf course is the most important factor in apartment price formation.



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