Effects of Rye Sowing Dates on Weed Occurrence in Organic Soybean Field

호밀 파종시기가 유기농 콩밭 잡초 발생에 미치는 영향

Lee, Byung-Mo;Jee, Hyeong-Jin;Ryu , Kyoung-Yul;Park , Jong-Ho;Lee, Ji-Hyun

  • Published : 2008.06.30


This study was conducted to determine the effect of rye sowing date on weed suppression in the organic soybean field located at Ansung, Gyeonggi province. In 2006, rye was sown on March 20th, April 1st, April 20th, and May 10th. Among the these sowing dates, March 20th resulted in highest biomass of rye and weed control value as 99.3%. Weed occurrence was negatively correlated with grain yield of soybean. Consequently, the rye sowing date of March 20th provided highest soybean yield among the spring sowing dates. In 2007, effects of autumn sowing and spring sowing of rye on weed suppression and soybean yield were compared. The biomass of rye in autumn sowing was higher than spring sowing, however, weed suppression rate was not significantly different from each other. Considering negative correlation of weed occurrence and soybean yield, yield of autumn sowing plot was expected similar to or higher than spring sowing plot. However, severe drought stress of the year decreased the soybean yield of autumn sowing plot, possibly because of water competition between rye and soybean. Results indicated that early spring sowing of rye is practical to suppress weed in organic soybean field when sufficient biomass of rye is assured.

유기농 콩 재배에 가장 문제가 되는 잡초를 방제하기 위하여 호밀을 피복작물로 이용하였다. 호밀은 보통 추파성 작물이지만, 피복작물로 이용시 춘파도 가능하였으며, 이때 파종시기는 충분한 호밀 생육을 확보할 수 있는 3월 20일 이전의 조기파종이 필수적이었고 이때의 잡초 방제가는 99.3%에 달했다. 3월 20일 이후의 호밀 파종은 바랭이, 돌피, 미국개기장 등의 잡초가 다수 발생하여 잡초 방제가는 16%까지 떨어졌다. 호밀 생육량이 춘파보다 더 왕성했던 추파구 역시 춘파 조기 파종구처럼 우수한 잡초 억제 효과를 보였다. 잡초의 발생량과 콩의 수량간에는 부의 상관관계가 성립되었으며, 잡초방제가 잘되었던 3월 20일 조기파종구의 콩 수량이 가장 많았다. 한편, 가뭄에 의한 발아 및 생리장해가 심할 때에는 호밀에 의한 수분 경합이 가중되어 콩 수량에 영향을 주었으며, 호밀 춘파구의 콩 수량이 추파구보다 더 많았다.



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