Effects of Soybean Meal and Mixture of Soybean Meal and Rice Bran on Weed Control and Rice Growth in the Machine Transplanting Ride Paddy Fieldy

벼 기계이앙 논에서 잡초방제와 벼 생육메 대한 대두박 및 대두박과 쌀겨의 혼합효과

An, Xue-Hua;Lee, Sang-Bok;You, Chul-Hyun

  • Published : 20080900


This study investigated the mixture ratio of rice bran and soybean meal, soybean meal to the restriction effect of weed in the machine transplanting rice paddy field. The effect on growth and output of rice, and soil environment by using soybean meal, mixed rice bran and soybean meal in the machine transplanting rice paddy field. When the rice bran mixed with above 25.3% (lest mixture ratio) soybean meal, the restriction effect to Echirochloa crus-galli and other weeds is higher than only rice bran. When the concentration of nitrogen was 0.09 ton ha-1 and mixing materials was 2.50 ton ha-1, rice bran to mixed with 46.7% soybean meal which was 25.3% higher of the lest mixture ratio. In field, no differences were showed between conventional chemical fertilizer and soybean meal and mixed rice bran, and soybean meal to the growth of rice. The weeds restriction effects were founded as follows:conventional > soybean meal > mixed rice bran and soybean meal > rice bran. The output of rice used with soybean meal was 5% higher than conventional in the output of rice. However, the rice used with rice bran, mixed rice bran and soybean meal were little less than conventional if in the output of rice.

친환경 벼 재배시 부족한 쌀겨를 대체할 수 있도록 대두박을 단독 또는 쌀겨와 대두박 혼합하여 시용하였을 때 잡초발생량, 벼 생산성 및 토양환경에 미치는 영향에 대하여 조사하였다. 쌀겨와 대두박 혼합은 쌀겨에 대두박을 25.3%이상 혼합하여야 쌀겨 단독 보다 피 등 잡초 억제 효과가 높게 나타났다. 질소시비량을 0.09ton ha-1로, 혼합제를 2.50ton ha-1 수준으로 시용하려면 쌀겨에 대두박을 46.7% 혼합하여야 한다. 시험 포장에서 벼의 생육은 대두박 및 쌀겨와 대두박 혼합 실험구는 화학비료를 시용한 관행구 비하여 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 잡초방제효과는 관행구 > 대두박 > 쌀겨와 대두박 혼합구 > 쌀겨 순으로 나타났다. 쌀 수량은 대두박 실험구가 관행구보다 5% 증가하였으나, 쌀겨와 대두박 혼합 실험구 및 쌀겨 실험구는 약간 감소하였다.



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